Monday, March 3, 2008

Thou Shall Not Whine-Venting Post

I want one of these signs in my house. Better yet, I want a button that I can wear on my shirt at all times. Nothing irks me more than a whiner. I never ever ever whine. Whining is for sissy's. When my kids whine, I cringe. And trust me when I tell you, I have plenty I could whine about. When I am at the restaurant working and I hear the younger generation whining about insignificant junk, I want to grab them and shake them, and say......spend a day in my shoes. And I'm sure there's someone that could here my woes, and say the same to me. But when someones whining about nonsense, it drives me nuts. When I have to listen to someone whine about being hungry, or having a headache.....I have another "I wish I had a safety pin for my mouth" moment. You want to whine? How about your son rolling into your room at 6am on his radio flyer bicycle, doing dishes, attending 8:30 service, working 10am service (those are the best parts of this whining session) getting home, folding 70 pounds of laundry, making lunch, getting my clothes ready for The Cheesecake Factory, arriving at 3:45, and running around like a chicken with my head cut off for 7 hours, getting home at 12:30am, winding down, going to bed at 1:45, and the alarm going off at 6:30, which didn't matter, because my son was once again up at 6, getting the kids to school, and to the office by 8:45. No time for primpin' and blow dryin', so my hair looks like a bite off of Dee Schneider. I feel like I partied like a rock star last night. The matching luggage under my eyes is a lovely shade of taupe. And you want to whine because "Your shaking because your starved"? YOUR IN A RESTAURANT. My daughter was whining this morning because she scraped her knee yesterday. You know what I told her? SUCK IT UP AND GET DRESSED FOR SCHOOL. Man, I'm feeling hard core today. Probably because I'm tired of being tired. I don't even consider my little story whining, that's just a day in the life......and I do love my life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whining is a BIG no, no for me!!! I have no tolerance for it.

When I was 30-35 and working as a waitress with mostly teenagers and early 20 somethings and they would complain about the most trivial things - I felt like sitting them down and passing along my wisdom and how these things will mean nothing in the royal scheme of things.

I am sure we all did stuff like this back in the day - but it does seem like today there is just a little more whinning going on!!!

I would pay good money to be anywhere between 8 & 11 again. :)