Monday, August 25, 2008

Back To School

So here it is! The first day of school! Alex wanted us to stop by on our way to school so he could see her before she went. She said he still treats her like she's a little girl, but she was smiling from ear to ear when she said it. I think she likes that. So here she is in front of Daddy's house, ready for her big first day of her last year in Elementary School. She came home telling me how she had to get a nice dress, and shoes, and get all "pretty" for her graduation at the end of the year. I don't want her to go to middle school. Not even a little bit. Not my baby.
I swear her hair wasn't hanging in her face like that. It must have fell. If my grandmother was here, she would tell her she needs a haircut, and to get her hair out of her face!
I said to Alex..."Say cheese Daddy!" So he said.."Cheese Daddaayy!" And that explains the expression on his face.
There is Alex's Go-Kart (My son Alex, that is). It is still going through re-constructive surgery. Between us, I hope it's in surgery for quite a while!

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