Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Peace Out Nextel

I FINALLY got a new phone. Robert got it for me. I am so excited. It's nothing fancy, I'm just not in to all that. The only bummer is that I have a new number. I have had my other number for what seems like forever. I am so happy to be rid of Nextel. The service STINKS! Robert put me on his plan, and now I have one of my very favorite colors-a cranberry colored cell phone. It also came with a blue tooth-but I have no clue where to even begin with a contraption like that. It seems like it's probably good for the car, but I don't know if I am going to mess with it. As it is, I have to transfer my whole phone book because I don't know any one's number by heart. As a matter of fact, I don't even know my own number as of now. Now I'll have to make Amber write it down 25 times in a row like I did my last number and our address when she was little. What I don't do to these first! Anyway-don't call my old number anymore-because it's a done deal. I will get you my new number...somehow...someway....someday....


Marie Marsicano said...

This is an answered prayer for me!!! Maybe now I won't have to just hang up on you because you sound like the teacher on Charlie Brown!!!

Anonymous said...

Coming from someone with CONSTANT phone problems, I think I need a new phone and provider. Does Robert want anyone else on his plan?? :)