Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Well, another busy week. I want to get here, I think about getting here, but to no avail. I have about 9 minutes to spare, so here it goes.

About 6 months ago, Amber went to her Dad and asked him why one of her eyes is higher than the other. Something I guess we never noticed. Or if we did, we just thought that God made her that way. She never said anything until now, as she is starting to care more about her appearance. Alex asked me to bring her to the pediatrician. I did. The side of her face that her cheek bone is lower, her nose also pulls a little to that side as well. He thought it was significant enough (he has also looked at her a million times) to send her to the ENT. I took her there, and we got x-rays. You can clearly see the higher cheek bone, and the curve in her nose. Also in the x-rays, you can see that she has a mass in her nose-sinus disease. He wants to treat it with a nasal steroid spray. Ok, fine. Then he referred us to a plastic surgeon. I was done there. Call it denial. My daughter is beautiful the way she is, and as long as both sides of her face keep growing, which they are, I wanted nothing to do with a plastic surgeon. Quite honestly, I would have never brought her. Alex knew this, so he took her. I didn't even go. Still-denial. The plastic surgeon said the sinus disease could grow, and cause sleep apnea, and other issues. The curve in her nose constricts her airways, which is why she always sleeps with her mouth open. He wants to straighten her nose this summer. This will open up her airways, and hopefully halt the sinus disease. He said her cheek bone is completely cosmetic, and a decision she could make on her own as an adult. fffeeeewwww.....He also said straightening her teeth will also play a big part in her healing. SO...braces, and surgery on her nose. all at 12 years old. Talk about a lot to take in. My baby girl is getting so big. That day of surgery will be one of the most scary days of my life.

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