Sunday, November 30, 2008

Are you a "Happy Hooker"?

Quite a name there huh? I learned this term...well...I'm not sure where, but I think maybe in a very interesting Social Issues class that I took. What is a Happy Hooker you ask? It's that person that without fail, every single time you or anyone else is telling a story, they jump in and "hook" your story, and turn it into something about them. It doesn't matter if your speaking about illness, or giving birth, or an embarrassing moment, or even a triumphant moment, they have an even better story to share. And it's all about me me me!!! If your not one-even though you are probably one once in a while with your nearest and dearest friends, you definitely know one. Right? Think about it. Observe the next time you're in a large group. You would be surprised to see how many Happy Hookers there are out there. The lesson? Let people speak. Being a good listener is so much better than being a good talker. When you talk too much, especially about yourself, it begins to fall on deaf ears. Let people tell their stories, have their moment of fame, give them your undivided attention instead of thinking of something about yourself that you can say before their second sentence even leaves their mouth. You will have your turn. And when you do, people will actually listen with wide eyes.

1 comment:

Marie Marsicano said...

For years now - ever since you taught me this expression - it has stuck with me. Obviously the catchy phrase make it easier.

I will either be listening to someone - or talking and in my head I will say "are they/am I being a Happy Hooker?"