Wednesday, January 4, 2012

All Around Me

There is sickness and pain all around me in this season of my life.

A friend on a waiting list for a kidney.

A pregnant woman with an eating disorder.

A 12 year marriage on rocky ground.

Someone who's future as she has always known it is now uncertain.

A young wife and mother with a terminal illness.

I don't know what to do. I don't know what to say. I don't know how to help. I can't find the words that will make a difference in all of these shaken lives. A friendly ear? Meals delivered? Advice? What is my role in all of this?

I count my blessings. I know that at any given moment, my world can be shaken too. I do my best not to take anything, or anyone for granted. I know that I need to make a conscious effort to make a positive difference in these peoples lives. I just don't know exactly what that is for each of them. I don't want to fail them. I'm blown away by what is going on all around me. For the 1st time in a long time, my life is stable, and for that I am truly blessed. My future was once uncertain. I had a 10 year rocky relationship. I watched a terminal illness take my father away. I know these feelings, and they are terrifying. I'm praying Sun Stand Still prayers. Pray them with me.

1 comment:

Jill Gracie said...

I will pray for them with you. I also have a sweet friend that has cancer and is going through chemo right now, and I've cooked a few meals for her. I know someone has offered to clean her house, and another took her son to all of his basketball practices. Don't say to them "Let me know if you need anything." Because they won't let you know. You have to know that they DO need something, and it's not easy to ask, and it's even harder to dole out tasks to people because they don't want to seem helpless. The Lord has given you this stability in your life to be a blessing to those that are on unstable ground. <3 you!