Monday, January 21, 2008

Teach Your Children Well

My son has officially hit the "Terrible Two's". At almost literally 2 too. I didn't see it coming, because my daughter didn't have them. At least not like this. They may have been there in a different form, but nothing is profound in my memories, so it couldn't have been all that bad. The nickname his father gave him suits him well. "Bam-Bam". He's a short and stocky(although he has dropped a few pounds!)bulldozer. He's forever banging something, ramming his remote control car into the walls, relentlessly repeating himself until he KNOWS your paying attention, "I want gum". "No Alex". "I want gum". "No Alex". "Mom..I want gum". "No Alex". "Mommy, " get it.
Point of the story is, we are at the mall, sitting on the bench outside of Claire's watching Amber shop in the very "non-2-year-old-boy-friendly" store, and there is a John Deere ride on lawn mower right next to the bench. And as I type that I realize that this whole story is self inflicted for sitting next to the thing in the first place. SO, you could imagine the repetition of "I want to drive I want to drive I want to drive Mommy I want to drive want to drive.....". I tell him he can't drive, there's a sign right on the mower that so NO sitting on the mower. I showed him the sign...we haggled some more...and right at the very moment that I thought I won the battle, another little boy comes up with both of his parents, they disregard the note, actually read it and chuckled, and let him climb up and DRIVE. Please know that my son is obsessed with driving, and so are his father and grandfather. As soon as his feet can hit the pedals, he will be racing. So you could imagine the look on his face when this other little boy got to drive. It started all over again...we laughed...we cried.....we went. And I wanted to beat up those parents that let their boy disregard instruction, and DRIVE. Teach Your Children Well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Older sister reporting in again...

Let's start with the my daughter did not have them... What that translates to is my son has been text book smooth sailing since birth and he is now trying to push the limits. My lovely niece came out pushing the limits so my dear sister had no clue as to anything else!!!

Now I will say my DARLING nephew has become a challenge lately - again we are all used to him being pleasant, sleeping on schedule, eating, listening the first time etc... He is now with other kids his age all day at "school" so I am sure he is having battles there and thinks he must always fight for what he wants. STILL his road has been much smoother then that of said LOVELY NIECE... She lived with us so trust me I am speaking first hand on that.

Plus a little of this is pay back as my sister cracks up everytime my now 5 year old son starts asking for something and does so until he gets it - or you put tape on his mouth!!!

I am also happy to report I am glad my sister did not let him get on the tractor and she respected the sign - as I think it is fair to say my niece would have gotten on the tractor since Colleen was not always what we would call a rule follower.