Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Check Engine Light

The check engine light on my truck has a mind of it's own. It comes on and goes off as it pleases. I know there's nothing wrong with my car. How do I know you ask? BECAUSE MY CAR IS INVINCIBLE AND NOTHING IS EVER EVER GOING TO HAPPEN TO IT NEVER EVER NEVER. I needed an inspection in January, and the check engine light has been on since then. It was off in December, and I thought-I should go get the inspection now-it never turned out to be anything more than a thought. So, since January it has gone off here and there, and I never had enough time, or I was on my way to I have been driving, needing an inspection since January 31st. That's terrible-I KNOW. I went once, to see why it would obviously fail inspection, and get it fixed if need be. The truck wouldn't even register with the computer, and they thought I should go get a diagnostic to see what the problem was. I would possibly have to go to the dealer. You know what that means right? It's all about the Benjamin's baby. I put it off. The cheapo in me decided to take my chances, and wait for the light to go off. It went off yesterday on my way to get Amber from school!!! I went STRAIGHT to get an inspection, and IT PASSED!! Yeah! And guess who came back to see me today on my way to get Amber from school? Good old faithful check engine light! I beat you this time!!

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