Monday, March 24, 2008

To Mommy....

This was on the fridge:

Roses are Red
Violets are blue
I wouldn't trade
A million dollars for you

By: Amber Delemo

I was probably the worstest meanest Mommy 15 minutes later. Little girls...MAN....tough age. ;0)


Anonymous said...

On the rare occasion I need to be the worstest, meanest mommy to my daughter I always think - she is such a good kid can't I just let this go - BUT then I think she wouldn't be this good if I wasn't a worstest, meanest mommy sometimes. :)

Anonymous said...

ADORABLE!!!!! thats our AMBER!!!!! and re-re said it best (what else is knew)
---me again! ;))

Anonymous said...

I forgot to mention...
Kara writes me 'love notes' all the time, the best is when she wants something and I'm in my room taking a time-out, she slips them under my door and says, don't say anything mom, just read it and write back, slip it back under the door!!!! LOL LOL